Sets of Digital Images
Sets of high-resolution, edited digital images available for download.
To order, just pay now and email the image numbers/filesnames (the IMG_xxxx numbers located to the right of each individual image and below each thumbnail) to
Please note that these images are for your personal use only and may not be used for commercial or editorial use by you. You may not submit these images to contests and competitions or use for commercial profit. Images used online must be posted with the following text: "Copyright Melissa McDaniel" and a link to the following website:
To add ALL the images from your session (low-resolution and unedited): Select one of the options with "(+ all images--low-res and unedited)" from the dropdown menu. (These images are only available if you purchase a set of edited images.) Note that you will not be able to make prints from the low-res/low-resolution versions. They are for use on your phone and laptop and to save memories of the entire session for you to keep.
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